Turkey is among the leading tourism destinations in the world, with stunning scenery and rich historical legacy. Explore Turkey’s most popular holiday destinations, beautiful coastline, spectacular icons, exciting events and cultural festivals. Plan your holiday to Turkey with wonderful deals on lodging, travel advice and many different things to do and see.




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How to prevent water from entering your Garage

How to prevent water from entering your Garage You go to your garage only to find it flooded with water after heavy storms. Garage owners will attest to having been in the same position at some point in their life. This can destroy most of the equipment's stored in your garage. The problem could be minor leaks to overflow of water from outside. Before you start to panic, you can consider the following solutions. Installing a seal When you are installing your garage door, you could have included a weather seal. But, with time the seal rots and becomes useless. You can notice poor seals by their ability to bring in sunlight from outside through the bottom or the sides. The solution will be to install a new seal. This...

expert garage door repais.edited.doc

garage door repairs meant for the experts only Whenever something is broken in the house, in most cases we will attempt to fix it ourselves, even if we have no knowledge in that field whatsoever. The same applies to garage doors. At times, the garage door will break down and your first instinct will be to get out your toolbox. While there are repairs you can probably handle with ease, there are some that are best left to the experts. Garage doors can be quite hazardous and you shouldn't attempt to fix some of the problems on your own. DIY repair can pose some danger to you. What's more, you may end up making the problem worse and therefore incur more costs during repair. If you are facing any of...

Top 7 Must-See Places in Turkey

Turkey has always been a wonderful place not just for the scenic beauty but also for its architectural beauty and the rush that you get to enjoy while shopping there. Many countries are filled with places that have scenic beauty, and of course, a lot of them are filled with architectural beauty as well. So out of all the places why choose Turkey? If you haven’t visited Turkey before, this is what you are probably going to ask. So here we are trying to list the best places in Turkey you must visit, they are probably the best places in the world as well. Go and find for yourself. Places to Visit in Turkey: Istanbul: Istanbul is one of the best places to visit in the whole world. Apparently, they...

5 Mouthwatering Turkish Dishes You Must Try!

Turkish Cuisine is renowned all over the world. Unlike the feeling that we have towards Arab favours, considering they too spicy, Turkish dishes aren’t anything like that. Here are some of the delicious Turkish dishes that you should try at least once. Menemen: Menemen is usually enjoyed as a morning dish. Menemen tastes best when it is served along with bread. It is a traditional Turkish dish and is loved all over the state of Turkey. It is a very simple but a tasty dish. All you need is green pepper, onion, tomato, butter and eggs. Add the ingredients, and all you get is a tasty Menemen. You can add pepper and other spices as well to add to the taste of the dish. Dolma: Turkey is one place where...